Reelster is an American Made and American housed video sharing platform similar to TikTok that will not compromise your data or the safety of your children. With TikTok already being banned from State and Federal employees phones and devices, as well as school and university bans, Reelster will be Americas replacement for the billions of users app! Reelster will be an app located in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon App Store! Our launch date should be the second or third week of March, 2023! Reelster offers full data privacy and will not collect, share, nor sell your data.WHAT CAN I DO ON REELSTER? That answer is simple: EVERYTHING. Unlike tikTok, Reelster offers ALL of the following: * FREE LIVE STREAMING* FULL PARENTAL CONTROLS FOR MONITORING CHILDRENS ACCOUNTS * SHORT VIDEO SHARING* RECORDING VIDEOS* VIDEO UPLOADS* A BUILT IN INSTAGRAM LIKE PHOTO PLATFORM* PAID SPONSORSHIPS FOR YOUR VIDEOS* PAYMENTS AND DONATIONS BETWEEN USERS* A MATCHING SERVICE TO FIND FRIENDS* A DATING COMPONENT * FREE MESSAGING* FREE VOICE AND VIDEO CALLINGand so much more!